Born Ulgundahi Island Aboriginal Reserve, Maclean, NSW
Related event

British Empire Games in Sydney

World event

WWII starts.

Her mother, Hilda Mercy dies from double pheumonia on the verandah of Mclean Hospital
The mission school on Ulgundahi Island closes - Joyce initially admitted to 2nd class with 6 year olds at the Maclean School for the first time.
Joyce taken to Sydney by Uncle's to speak for them at representations to AWU / Labour Council. over loss of jobs with mechanisation of sugarcane harvesting.
Joyce moves to Sydney
Joyce starts nursing at St Margaret's Hospital in Sydney.
Joins APA -the Aboriginal Progressive
Association and the Aboriginal Australian
Aunt Eva passes. Joyce returns home to care for younger sister Christine and becomes her guardian.

Grandfather Dick Randell dies.
World event

FCAA formed at meeting in Adelaide Aboriginal delegates Jeff Barnes (SA), Doug Nicholls (VIC) and Bert Groves (NSW), February 1958.

Returns to Sydney with Christine Attends her first FCAATSI Conference at Newport, Sydney
Works at Wagner and Regan bookbinders in Chippendale.

Attends courses at Tranby Co-operatives College, Glebe.
Speaks at NAIDOC event Martin Place, Sydney
Attends Asian Christian Youth Assembly in the Philippines and meets Colin Clague.

Joyce travels to China for UNESCO.
Begins working for the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs, giving welfare advice and assistance to Aboriginal residents, families visiting relatives in hospital, prison inmates.
Joyce goes to UNESCO conference
"Women and Community Development" in New Delhi, India as the representative of the Australian division of WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom).

Meets prominent Kenyan women's rights campaigner, Jael Mbogo.

Marries Colin Clague and they move to Darwin.

Meets President of India, Indira Ghandi.
Joyce gives birth to Liesa May.

Colin is promoted to Senior Social Worker with the NT Welfare Service in Alice Springs. They are allocated a house in McKinley St where they set up home starting their family with foster son Sammy and joined by daughter No 1, Liesa May.
World event

National Referendum to include Indigenous peoples in the census with a 90.97% yes.

Joyce gives birth to Liesa May.

Colin is promoted to Senior Social Worker with the NT Welfare Service in Alice Springs. They are allocated a house in McKinley St where they set up home starting their family with foster son Sammy and joined by daughter No 1, Liesa May in July.
Related event

National Referendum to include Indigenous peoples in the census with a 90.97% yes.

Joyce stood as an independent candidate for the Stuart electorate for the NT Legislative Council.
Joyce becomes a member of the formation Board of the Institute for Aboriginal Development in Alice Springs chaired by the late Yami Lester.

The family visits Tasmania where Joyce meets up with her former English teacher from Maclean, Joan Woodberry, author of the children's books the Rafferty series set in Yamba and Come Back Peter in which Joyce is named.
Joyce gives birth to Anne Grace.

Joyce and Colin with Grace travel to Geneva for her role as a Commissioner, World Council of Churches, Commission Program Combat Racism. Grace is baptised at PCR.

Joyce attends PCR committee meeting in Nairobi, Kenya for meetings with representatives of southern African liberation movements.
Joyce attends formation conference of National Tribal Council in Brisbane, financed by a grant from WCC PCR she negotiated.

Establishes Central Australian Tribal Council as an affiliate of the NTC as the vehicle for commencing a voter education and enrolment program across Central Australian communities.

Buys second hand early model Nissan Patrol that is used first by western Arrernte men from Hermansburg and then by Warlpiri men from Yuendumu for the voter enrolment program.

Joyce gives birth to Pauline Jael.

Joyce hosts annual FCAATSI Conference at Alice Springs.
World event

Whitlam Government elected

Joyce appointed a Board Member of Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Ltd (Minister's nominee)
Colin takes long service leave and the family heads south with Joyce and the children spending most of the time at Maclean while Colin completes his BA degree at Sydney University.

Family arrive back in Alice Springs at Christmas in time for Colin to take charge of services for Darwin residents evacuated after Cyclone Tracy and Joyce accommodating Aboriginal community residents relocating to be with relatives in Central Australia.
World event

Cyclone Tracy devastates Darwin on Christmas Day

The booklet Voting in the Northern Territory was published by the Grace Bardsley Aboriginal Fund and distributed widely to NT communities. Joyce was a trustee of the Fund. 

Family moves back to Maclean. Formation and management of Nungera Co-operative Society Ltd. Purchases houses at Ilarrwill and the Cameron St house where they live with the Nungera office on the side verandah. Begin farming on Ulgundahi Island.
Related event

Double Dissolution of government, Whitlam government dismissed. Freeze on government funds to Aboriginal Affairs by new government

Joyce and Colin start Woolitji Co-operative and buy the former Bank of NSW property in the middle of Maclean. Open Nungera Gallery in time for the Cane Harvest Festival in September. Move into the first floor residence. 

Appointed by Premier Neville Wran as a member of the inaugural NSW Women’s Advisory Council. Appointed as an adviser to the Minister for Co-operatives, Sid Enfield.
Founding member of NSW Aboriginal Land Council.
Member, Council of the Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education (Minister’s nominee).

Establishes Institute for Aboriginal Community Education at NRCAE.
Joyce goes to World Peace Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria visiting Leningrad on the way.
Related event

The Moscow Olympics

Joyce gives birth to Evette Myghin.

Joyce air evacuated from Grafton to KGV hospital in Sydney where Evette is born 12 weeks prematurely weighing 986 grams.
Liesa enrolled at St Catherine’s School, Waverly, Sydney. Joyce leads formation of Yaegl Local Aboriginal Land Council and chairs Northern Rivers Regional Aboriginal Land Council.
Related event

NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act

Liesa enrolled at St Catherine’s School, Waverly, Sydney. Joyce leads formation of Yaegl Local Aboriginal Land Council and chairs Northern Rivers Regional Aboriginal Land Council.
Related event

NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act

Colin appointed Manager of the Aboriginal Land Claims Unit in the NSW Department of Lands and moves to Sydney. Grace joins Liesa at St Catherine’s School.
World event

NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act amended abolishing Regional Aboriginal Lands Councils.

Joyce resigns from Nungera Co-op and moves to Sydney where she obtains a job with the NSW Ombudsman. Appointed a sessional Assessor to the NSW Land and Environment Court for the resolution of disputes under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act.
Appointed a Member of the Australian Museum Trust.
1987 / 88
Deputy Chairperson, Ministerial Task Force on Aboriginal Culture and Heritage. Member NSW Bicentennial Council.
Related event

The Bicentennial happens in Australia.

As advisor to the NSW Ombudsman. Investigating Police Raids in Redfern.

Colin transfers from the Land Claims Unit in Department of Lands to the newly formed Office of the Director of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment in the Premier's Department.
Chairperson, Aboriginal Affairs Policy Committee, NSW Branch, ALP. Joyce stands for pre-selection for ALP candidate for Port Jackson.
Related event

ATSIC commences.

Joyce works for NSW Trades and Labour Council and advises the ACTU - Lend Lease Foundation on group training programs aimed at training Aboriginal community members in building trades while constructing houses on their community lands.
Joyce collaborates with Della Walker to lodge Yaegl Native Title Claim No1.
Joyce joins Breastscreen NSW.
Chair, Board of Directors, Redfern Aboriginal Corporation Construction P/L.
Joyce works for the NSW Working Women’s Centre.
Colins retires from the NSW Public Service.
Joyce, Colin, and Evette move back to the Clarence, buy the former South Arm School for the family’s home. Yaegl Native title claim No1 given priority status. Claim No2 over extended land/sea/river rights for Yaegl country initiated.
Joyce, Colin, and Evette move back to the Clarence, buy the former South Arm School for the family’s home. Yaegl Native title claim No 1 given priority status. Claim No 2 over extended land / sea / river rights for Yaegl country initiated.
Claim 1 is won. 🎉🥂
Claim 2 is won. The first mainland sea rights Native Title determination. 🎉🥂

A Change is Gonna Come - exhibition at NMA, Evette presents speech on behalf of Mum.

Joyce, Colin, Beatrice and Evette travel through NSW, SA, NT and QLD to do a round trip to visit friends and see old haunts, Dubbo, Adelaide, Uluru, Alice Springs, Tenant Creek, Brisbane. Pauline, Grace and Luke join them in Alice Springs for Easter.

Warrior award - recognition at the 40 years of State Land Council as one of it's members.
Claim 2 is won. The first mainland sea rights Native Title determination. 🎉🥂

A Change is Gonna Come - exhibition at NMA, Evette presents speech on behalf of Mum.

Joyce, Colin, Beatrice and Evette travel through NSW, SA, NT and QLD to do a round trip to visit friends and see old haunts, Dubbo, Adelaide, Uluru, Alice Springs, Tenant Creek, Brisbane. Pauline, Grace and Luke join them in Alice Springs for Easter.

Warrior award - recognition at the 40 years of State Land Council as one of it's members.
Becomes a life member of the Australian Labour Party
Claim 2 is won. The first mainland sea rights Native Title determination. 🎉🥂
Move to Grafton
Exhibition Because of her we Can at Ulmarra - Festival of Joyce with celebration around her 80th.
Move to Grafton

In loving memory of 

Joyce Caroline Clague (nee Mercy) MBE

Born 22nd of July 1938
Born Ulgundahi Island Aboriginal Reserve, Maclean, NSW.
World events

British Empire Games in Sydney.

Her mother, Hilda Mercy dies from double pheumonia on the verandah of Maclean Hospital.
Joyce moves to Sydney.
Joins APA -the Aboriginal Progressive
Association and the Aboriginal Australian Fellowship.
Returns to Sydney with Christine Attends her first FCAATSI Conference at Newport, Sydney.
Speaks at NAIDOC event Martin Place, Sydney.
Begins working for the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs, giving welfare advice and assistance to Aboriginal residents, families visiting relatives in hospital, prison inmates.

Gets engaged to Colin at Christmas.
Joyce gives birth to Liesa May.

Colin is promoted to Senior Social Worker with the NT Welfare Service in Alice Springs. They are allocated a house in McKinley St where they set up home starting their family with foster son Sammy and joined by daughter No 1, Liesa May.
World event

National Referendum to include Indigenous peoples in the census with a 90.97% yes.

Joyce becomes a member of the formation Board of the Institute for Aboriginal Development in Alice Springs chaired by the late Yami Lester.

The family visits Tasmania where Joyce meets up with her former English teacher from Maclean, Joan Woodberry, author of the children's books the Rafferty series set in Yamba and Come Back Peter in which Joyce is named. 

Colin visits Zeehan where the Clague family first settled as miners on arrival from the Isle of Man.
Joyce attends formation conference of National Tribal Council in Brisbane, financed by a grant from WCC PCR she negotiated.

Establishes Central Australian Tribal Council as an affiliate of the NTC as the vehicle for commencing a voter education and enrolment program across Central Australian communities.

Buys second hand early model Nissan Patrol that is used first by western Arrernte men from Hermansburg and then by Warlpiri men from Yuendumu for the voter enrolment program.

Joyce appointed a Board Member of Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Ltd (Minister's nominee).
The booklet Voting in the Northern Territory was published by the Grace Bardsley Aboriginal Fund and distributed widely to NT communities. Joyce was a trustee of the Fund. 

Family moves back to Maclean. Formation and management of Nungera Co-operative Society Ltd. Purchases houses at Ilarrwill and the Cameron St house where they live with the Nungera office on the side verandah. Begin farming on Ulgundahi Island.

Purchases former CSR tugboat MV Beardmore.
World event

Double Dissolution of government, Whitlam government dismissed. Freeze on government funds to Aboriginal Affairs by new government

Founding member of NSW Aboriginal Land Council.

Awarded MBE in Queens Royal New Years Honours
Joyce goes to World Peace Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria visiting Leningrad on the way.
World event

The Moscow Olympics

Liesa enrolled at St Catherine’s School, Waverly, Sydney. Joyce leads formation of Yaegl Local Aboriginal Land Council and chairs Northern Rivers Regional Aboriginal Land Council.
World event

NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act

Joyce resigns from Nungera Co-op and moves to Sydney where she obtains a job with the NSW Ombudsman. Appointed a sessional Assessor to the NSW Land and Environment Court for the resolution of disputes under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act.
1987 / 1988
Deputy Chairperson, Ministerial Task Force on Aboriginal Culture and Heritage. Member NSW Bicentennial Council.
World event

The Bicentennial happens in Australia.

Chairperson, Aboriginal Affairs Policy Committee, NSW Branch, ALP. Joyce stands for pre-selection for ALP candidate for Port Jackson.
World event

ATSIC commences.

Joyce collaborates with Della Walker to lodge Yaegl Native Title Claim No1.
Chair, Board of Directors, Redfern Aboriginal Corporation Construction P/L.
Joyce, Colin, and Evette move back to the Clarence, buy the former South Arm School for the family’s home. Yaegl Native title claim No1 given priority status. Claim No2 over extended land/sea/river rights for Yaegl country initiated.
Becomes a life member of the Australian Labour Party
Exhibition Because of her we Can at Ulmarra - Festival of Joyce with celebration around her 80th.
Passed away Peacefully to the Dreaming 25th of September 2024
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains images, voices and names of deceased persons. None of the photos displayed may be reproduced without the permission from the Clague Family.

We acknowledge the many nations of these lands and the ongoing connection to land, water and culture. Sovereignty has never been ceded.

As a part of Joyce’s wishes, her family has set up this website so that people can tell stories as a part of her journey.
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